Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions
Winston Churchill once said: “Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things”. Developing our Covid Tracker App has been a learning experience for us at Safe Steps. Our partnership with the NHS and Health Innovation Manchester has been essential to curating the product and determining what features we use.
One of our main priorities is to save you, the carer time. The process of assessing a patient/resident is relatively quick, by design. We are extremely conscious of the strain that Coronavirus has put on social care workers, and try to streamline our products accordingly. Initially the carer needs to answer 7 questions to on-board a patient. These questions are focussed on general health, confusion and any relevant coronavirus symptoms they might be experiencing. We then ask the carer to enter the patient/resident’s RAG status. RAG status reporting is used to indicate how well a patient is doing using the series traffic lights. A red traffic light indicates problems, amber means that everything is standard, green signifies that things are going well.
Our Covid Tracker App allows the carer to input Oxy-sat levels. The Pulse oximeter reading indicates what percentage of a resident's blood is saturated, known as the SpO2 level. Some people with COVID-19 have dangerously low levels of oxygen. This feature helps the carer determine a patient’s status, and decide on an accelerated care plan if necessary.
Our latest feature will incorporate RESTORE2 mini into resident assessments. This was called for by many of the carers we have been working with as a must-have. RESTORE2 mini is a physical deterioration and escalation tool for care homes designed to support homes and health professionals to:
Recognise when a resident may be deteriorating or at risk of physical deterioration.
Act appropriately according to the resident's care plan to protect and manage the resident.
RESTORE2 mini was the winner of the Patient Safety Award 2020, and it is our hope that by incorporating the benefits of this feature it will make our Covid Tracker app the most helpful tool we can offer to Care Homes. At Safe Steps we are truly grateful for our partnerships, and the invaluable feedback that these ongoing conversations provide.